Saturday, November 20, 2010

On Ravenswood

I've got Portage Park on the brain as we prepare for home ownership in a new neighborhood, but I think it's important to take some time to reflect on the great years we've spent in Ravenswood. Being in a slightly undiscovered area of the 'wood we've had the privilege of being walking distance from Lincoln Square, Andersonville, and the heart of the neighborhood, but tucked away in a little quiet corridor where yuppies and puppies are scarce and upscale, overpriced restaurants are non-existent. Here's what I think I will miss the most about my block:
  • Garcia's
  • The nice Indian guys at the little liquor store
  • Garcia's
  • The odd demographic on the block of latinos, lesbians who can't afford A-ville, and millionaires with babies
  • The Crafty Beaver around the corner
  • Three full store-fronts of knitting yarn. Actually, strike that. Arcadia just closed and I can't say I'm all that surprised because, come to think of it, there was not very much yarn in there for three store fronts and the ladies were mean. But since neither impacts their new business plan as an online store, I wish them all the best.
  • and, Garcia's
So long, old pal. You may be seeing me anyway from time to time, if for no other reason than to secure a late night burrito the size of my head with extra avocado. mmm.


** You may not think this directly relates to the primary content of this blog, but fear not. Ravenswood is an inspired neighborhood of forward-thinking urbanites who cherish their neighborhood gardens, green home design, and post-industrial flair. It is a place where you can walk safely through alleys and find raspberries, pole beans and roses growing freely. It is the people of this great place that inspire me to grow things and make things and cook things and I will miss it. However, we are on to the next chapter of our lives, to a place where I don't have to keep my bikes in my bedroom or ask my land lady if I can put a compost bin in my yard.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Pass the syrup

I get a hankering for pancakes about every other week. A peculiar pancake craving came over me yesterday morning and, alas, there was no syrup in the pantry. Channeling my inner Better Crocker I converted the logic of a simple syrup to brown sugar. I could not tell the difference, and in fact, I may save myself $7 for a 12 oz. bottle of maple syrup and make it this way all of the time...

Brown Sugar Pancake Syrup
1/2 cup of pressed brown sugar
1 tsp. cornstarch
1 cup hot water (not boiling)

  1. Pour hot water into a small sauce pan containing brown sugar and cornstarch. Set heat to medium-high and whisk until sugar dissolves.
  2. Stir constantly until boiling.
  3. Continue to boil for 1-2 minutes, stirring constantly
  4. Pour into serving pitcher and enjoy hot or cooled.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

WWLID: What would Laura Ingalls Do?

I'm still on a bit of a pioneer kick and as the wind whips against the window panes and the air turns colder, my thoughts are turning to winter, using up what precious fresh market produce I have left and making it last.

While I won't have the burden of hiking through 6 feet of snow to shoot jack rabbits, I'd like to eat an apple in the middle of the winter and not pay $2.39 a pound for a mealy, squishy, overall bad apple. At times like this, I ask myself, "What would Laura Ingalls do?" How would Laura eat an apple in February without one of those big box stores that now roam the high prairie in greater numbers than jack rabbits?

Thus, today was my first attempt at making dried fruit from scratch. No more mealy, squishy apples in winter; no more $4.00 for a bag of air and sulfur dioxide.

Want to try too? It was super easy!
Dried Fruit
Fruit of choice
1 lemon
12 cups water

1. Wash or peel fruit, then pit or core if applicable. Slice larger fruits into thin slices.

2. Soak in lemon water for a few minutes while oven pre-heats at 90-150 deg-F

3. Line a baking sheet with parchment and place in a single layer, not touching.
4. Place trays in oven and wait several hours. Resist the urge to turn up the heat.

5. Let sit out over night (at least 12 hours) before packing away in air-tight containers

Lauren Warnecke, M.S., M.C.

You know you are in good company when a group full of middle aged women in applique vests, young eco-hipsters (like myself), and old men who rent greenhouses for the winter can share a potluck dinner while passing around gifts of worm poo while the mistress of ceremony tells stories about her lifelong passion for compost and childhood trips to the circus to pick up elephant manure.

Last night I proudly and officially assumed the title of Master Composter. So far I think it's safe to say the I've used this title much more than the one for which I owe the US government an ungodly amount of cash.

The MC program was something I did on a whim, but in hindsight it was exactly what I was looking for to engage a change of lifestyle, and perspective. I met new people who are doing incredible things to conserve our resources and reduce waste. Without this program, I wouldn't look at garbage and wonder if my worms can eat it; I wouldn't want to make things from scratch, or clean things with vinegar, or mend old clothes instead of buying new ones.

Humbling, indeed

Friday, October 1, 2010

Living simple is complicated

After returning from a weekend trip away, the cupboard is bare. I always make a point before traveling of using up any fresh ingredients that might spoil while I'm away. But this was a rather whirlwind trip, and it didn't occur to me that (1) it wasn't really long enough for everything to spoil, and (2) there was no time before returning to work to go to the store and replenish the bounty.

As a result, the past few days have been really-creative-meal wise. Determined to eat at home and not order food (having eaten in restaurants for the entire weekend), I was nearly brought to tears standing in the kitchen at 11:30pm on a Tuesday night mashing pinto beans by hand into refried beans (for which I have no salsa or chips) with a red sauce made from frozen tomatoes and a slightly past-peak summer squash on the stove, and a mystery casserole in the oven.

Tears of joy, or tears of pain?

It feels pretty good to take a pantry of nothing and freezer of next to nothing and make four full days of food out of it. It is envigorating to make things from scratch; if I have one goal in life it's to make as many things from scratch as possible. And, I feel as though I could definitely survive an atomic bomb or the apocalypse given my uncanny ability to create a variety of meals from dried beans, rice, chicken, frozen tomatoes and slightly off squash.

On the other hand, no one should be mashing beans after 9pm on a school night.

When people lived in a time where everything was made from scratch they had the whole day to mash beans, churn butter, bake bread, whatever. I, on the other hand, am required to spend eight hours of the day with my butt in a chair and have few precious moments between, say, 8 and 11pm to try and "live simply". I'm not saying I work harder; butt-in-chair is not hard, it's just extremely time consuming.

So what, then, is the point? Why do I do this to myself when I could, with a lot less effort and a roughly equal amount of money, eat a TV dinner every night? It almost feels like in this day and age, living "simply" is less simple than living a technological, busy-body, microwaved life. Why does everyone say "I'm so busy," or "I don't have any time" when we spend SO much time sitting on our butts?

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Say Pickles!

'Tis pickling season! You know it's come when you see mass quantities of Ball jars on sale everywhere. How fortunate are those who have such an overabundance of home-grown vegetables that the only way to deal with them is to pickle and can them? With fresh inspiration from the edu-tent at the Glenwood Sunday Market, and the fortuitous acquisition of a bounty of cucumbers (from a location which I wish not to disclose at this juncture...), I shall pickle.

After making a seriously good batch of refrigerator pickles (bread and butter, of course), I'm left with a sinking feeling. Do I put them in a hot water bath until the jar lids make that popping sound? Do I simply put on the lid and store in the fridge? Dear me, I can't remember! I choose hot water bath. However, after noticing a slight sediment that has formed in my pickle jars, and confirmation from GSM's pickling expert Toni that they needn't be hot water bathed, I have serious regrets. I hope that six months from now, when I crack open that jar in the middle of a Chicago blizzard, that that my dear pickles that tasted so yummy this morning don't disappoint.... or give me a case of botchulism.

Want to try it yourself?

Easy Refrigerator Bread and Butter Pickles (courtesy of
8 small pickling cucumbers, washed (not peeled), and very thinly sliced
1 medium onion, halved and thinly sliced
1 cup apple cider vinegar
3/4 cup sugar
4-1/2 tsp kosher salt
2 tsp mustard seeds
1/2 tsp dry mustard
1/2 tsp turmeric
1/2 tsp crushed dry red pepper flakes
1/2 celery seed (in my case, optional)

1-Combine all ingredients in a soup pot and heat to boiling, stirring occasionally

2-Boil one minute, stirring frequently

3-Pour mixture into a large bowl, cool to room temperature

4-Cover and chill overnight before serving

5-Spoon into jars with tight fitting lids and refrigerate for up to four weeks.... (jury is still out whether or not you can use hot water bath to extend shelf life and seal jars. I'll let y'all know when I crack them open in a couple months).

Friday, July 30, 2010

Ode to the Vending Machine

Dear vending machine,

I think it's time that we called it quits. It's not you; it's me. We just aren't meant for one another. I thought maybe we could just be friends, but really, I think it's best if we make it a clean break. Please do not call or write. I'm not good for you, and clearly you are not good for me. I'd prefer it if you left the building entirely, but it seems as though we are going to have to learn to work together as professionals and not as partners. I hope that this doesn't cause you as much pain as it causes me.

Kind regards,

Sunday, July 18, 2010

I am master of my yarn

I've been knitting since I was about 8. I'm a combination of mom-taught and self-taught, and to date haven't completed anything that wasn't square or rectangular (i.e. scarves, blankets, and shawls). My tension is impeccable (I flatter myself). I am resigned that I'm meant to be a knitter of quality, but not variety. Make that WAS resigned. Because I can now confidently count this--let's face it--adorable baby sweater among my knitting inventory:
20+ years of fearing increases and yarn overs and bobbles and all for naught-because this wasn't that bad. You Tube is a beautiful thing. Want to try this yourself? Props to Arcadia Knitting for providing me with a relatively simple pattern. I may just have to crank out five more of these guys for the craft fair this year.....

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Churning day is highly overrated

I have a serious desire to milk a cow. With no room for a cow pasture in my yard (and the likelihood of serious backfire from my landlady), I'm at the disposal of the back wall of my local grocery store. However, with fresh inspiration from the Learn and Grow tent at the Glenwood Sunday Market in tow, I figured if I can't milk a cow I can at least enjoy the old fashioned joys of making my own supplementary dairy products: butter, yogurt and cheese.

Operation: butter
Status: fail

Either Laura Ingalls was extremely patient AND buff, or I did something wrong. I was meticulous in my choice of half and half (pasteurized, not ultra pasteurized), waited until the cream reached 72 degrees, poured into a mason jar and shook. and shook. And got tired and put it in the kitchen aid mixer. Fifteen minutes later and a seriously hot motor on my mixer and although little butter chunklets did form I simply can't imagine that 1-1/2 cups of cream only yields a teaspoon of butter. I am defeated. But not discouraged! I shall live to churn another day.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Three days sans cell phone

I am not one to follow technological trends, but I love my iphone. I love even more that I was eligible for an upgrade at the same time that the brand new super fancy iphone is due to come out. So I sold my phone on ebay, bought the fancy new phone, and turned a healthy profit. How tech saavy I am! Well, with some help from my partner/personal IT consultant.

Said transaction worked out in such a way that I was without a cell phone for three and a half days. So many times we say to ourselves, "gosh, what did we ever do before cell phones?" Honestly, I think we did just fine. Throughout the course of the day, I'm usually within fifteen feet of a land line and/or sitting in front of a computer with internet access. I found the change to be, I dare say, refreshing.

This morning, we arrived at a retail store-who-will-remain-unnamed to pick up our "pre-reserved" new phones, and, SIX HOURS LATER, walked out with our new fancy appendages. Oh my, it is so pretty and shiny and fancy.

Worth the wait? Not a chance.
Willing to live without an iphone? Absolutely not.

OK... I know that I'm an all country bumpkin, back to basics, make my own syrup and cleaning supplies type of girl, but seriously-this phone is awesome.

Perhaps if I was living in a place where the pace of life was slower and my personal safety wasn't at risk on a regular basis then I would be willing to reconsider this position. In the meantime, I'm sold 100% on this little gadget and where's a techie out there who can write code for the "One Crafty Lady" Ap??

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Self-indulgent? Absolutely!

I just love a brand-spankin'-new blog! The picking out of the template, the pondering over a good title, and the anticipation of whether or not your domain name will get to match your title or if you'll have to pick some ridiculous combination of numbers and characters. It's all so exciting!

I was previously blogging back and forth between my best friend, who is embarking on an exciting journey to Niger with the Peace Corps in a week. We would talk about day-to-day happenings and our ever present desires to be fit people. Given the magnitude of what she's about to do, and the personal growth she will no doubt experience, I can hardly ask her to keep me updated with her running schedule and fitness goals....

But what I loved about that process was that I got to be totally open, but at the same time I was able to maintain my smarty-pants writing style that usually only appears when I'm aware that other people are reading. And thus, I've released said best friend from her obligation to blog with me and will too embark on my own journey (with the luxury of flush toilets and paved roads).

My general position on blogging is that it's awesome, most of the time. What irritates me about a lot of blogs is that they are either too personal (i.e. public therapy session) or too mundane to be interesting. It's the same as, say, a facebook status. You have those people who reveal everything and expect you to comfort them:
" I just want to cry right now because my boyfriend left me when he found out that
I'm pregnant and it's not his...."

And then there are those people who say things that aren't interesting and think that you care:
" I already fed Johnny and did three loads of laundry and it's only 9:00am!"

So I'm left with mixed feelings. I want to be one of those blogs that is genuinely interesting for friends and strangers alike. While it might be self-indulgent and conceited of me to think that anyone cares about the things I care about or the things I will write here.... well--why the hell not?

The only thing left to divulge on my shiny new blog is:
What's my schtick?

I don't intend to simply provide you with a public journal, but to give you a tiny piece of one aspect of my life that I'd like to share. Namely, that I am a country girl that has never lived in the country. I have a fierce desire to lead a holistic, sustainable lifestyle, and I believe that it is the key to good health and happiness. Just one crafty lady trying to keep it simple in the middle of the concrete jungle.